Calesa Parade in Vigan City

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Hello trippers! This is my special blog coverage for the VIVA VIGAN Festival of the Arts 2011! Yepeeeeeeeeee!!!

During May, I am so stressed with the traffic jams, overcrowding and noisy cars in Vigan because of tourists, visitors and local residents that are going in Vigan. But, how can I blame them? They just want to experience the beauty, color, culture and heritage of Vigan. And this scenario makes Vigan so alive and kicking all year round!

Vigan is in fact full of celebrations and festivities that Vigan has inherited from the Spanish colonizers who made Vigan their center for trade and religion during those times. And gladly, Vigan has retained her old glory, culture and beauty. This next article is a video presentation of the Calesa Parade I was able to witness. Viewing those lovely and colorful calesas has transferred my time orientation hundred of years ago giving me the feeling of an old Royal ambiance hundred years ago.

The opening of the month of May is so grand in Vigan because the whole city is colored by the beautiful calesas which were so colorful, stunning and wonderful!

With this event, called the calesa parade, still a part of the Viva Vigan Festival of the Arts which is made up of many festivities, I was able to document it in video! Watch it guys! This event was sponsored by San Miguel Beer Corporation and here is the video.



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